Alessandro Lorenzi

Industrial & Consumer


Alessandro boasts significant experience in administrative, financial and managerial fields, as he has been holding top management positions in several business divisions. His risk management, government and compliance skills allowed him to be appointed as Board Member of some of the most prestigious Italian companies.

He currently holds the positions of Board member and also President of the Internal Control Committee at Banca Ersel. He is member of the Cross Think Lab’s Scientific Committee, born from a partnership between Sant’Anna High School and the consulting company Trim2.

He gained extensive experience in the Finance & Control space in Saiag (1974-75), Fiat Iveco (1975-82) and Gruppo GFT (1982-95). Afterwards, he took the role of General Manager in SCI (1995-98), Ferrero International Lux (2000-03), Coin (2003-06), and Lavazza (2006-11).

Recently, he has been named President of SMAT (2011-17), Turin metropolitan area utility, Board Member of Mutti (2016-19) and Board Member and Control and Risk Committee President of Eni (2011-20).